Sunday, 22 March 2009

Handheld Heaven this week!!!

This week saw the release of three big handheld releases for the 3 big platforms... First up is Metal Gear Solid Touch for the iPhone/iPod Touch which is like a shooting range-esque game which uses animated sprites from the insanely awesome PS3 title, Metal Gear Solid 4; Guns of the patriots...

Secondly, on the subject of insanely awesome PS3 titles, Resistance 2's little brother Resistance Retribution saw the light of day on PSP this week. RR is a third person shooter based in the Resistance universe and follows James Grayson, Major Cartwright and Rachel Parker from the previous Resistance:Fall Of Man on Playstation 3.

Last but certainly not least is Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on Nintendo DS. In Chinatown Wars you play as Huang Lee and you are avenging the death of your father... While in the city you can also kill, steal & drug deal as well as try your luck with SCRATCH CARDS!!! (*Curzo's nan runs off to buy a DS & GTA: CW*)

I've got all three and I'm loving them! GTA the most... If you have a DS, BUY IT, and if you don't... BUY ONE...

If you have a PSP, Buy RR, if you don't... Why haven't you got a PSP yet??? LittleBig-Freaking-Planet has been announced for it... yup thats right... Buy one right now...

Anyway, that's all I have to say... A review of the excellent Nokia N96 is coming soon. Curzo out...